FMS Integrated Web App

CAD, MDT, Custody, Civilian, PNC, Human Resources, Forms, Training, Fleet, Administration & More

With Discord and (optional) TeamSpeak 3 & FiveM integrations

Scroll down for info. Join my Discord server and open a ticket in #purchase-enquire-demo
for a demo and a competitive quote for your community

Force Management System (FMS) Introduction

When I ran my own British GTA5 Roleplay community (Merseyside Police Community), I started developing this Force Management System. And from experience, you'll love the FMS if you run an emergency services roleplaying community - promise. You can wave goodbye to your current cumbersome, slow systems and say hello to a fully integrated, automated, lightning-fast and beautiful web application for all your community's needs.

The FMS has been carefully crafted and developed from the ground up, making extensive use of user testing and requirements through members of the community. Deep integration with Discord, TeamSpeak 3 and FiveM (free, optional resource) was added and the latest technologies and good development practice was used to ensure that lag and delay became a thing of the past. Plus, everything on the web app is customisable through an easy-to-use administrator section and can be used for any game and platform, not just GTA5. This is my lightning-fast, mobile-friendly Force Management System web application as it is known today, with it having launched as a hosted SaaS product on 10 October 2020. If you’re a community owner, please join my Discord server and open a ticket in #purchase-enquire-demo for a demo and a competitive quote for your community. My Discord tag is Albo1125#9925.

All you need is a Roleplay community and a Discord server. Your FMS will be allocated a free domain in the format of - or you can request to use your own custom domain (additional charge applies). I’ll do the difficult technical setup for you and give you guidance for the FMS. You’ll be up and running before you know it and won't have to worry about it - the FMS had an uptime of over 99.99% between October 2020 and May 2022! Over 350 communities have already successfully upgraded their roleplaying experience through the FMS, and they all love it! Here's what they say:

If you're looking for custom GTA5 EUP-compatible peds, I highly recommend Sinner's Mod Shop (SMS). Join their Discord to make an enquiry.

Please note all images shown are for illustrative purposes only and may differ slightly from the delivered, most up-to-date version. Dark and light themes are available and can be easily toggled (the dark theme is shown in the images).

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Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) & Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) & Custody System

The CAD is one of the most important parts of the FMS. It allows controllers to manage in-game emergency services units and process incoming incidents. Furthermore, it allows controllers to add comments to incidents, monitor ANPR channels, pass General Observations, and view an ultra-smooth live map with the CADs and units on it. The live map integrates with the SmartSigns resource by LondonStudios (not included) to allow controllers to effortlessly set information sign messages from the live map in realtime. All this is done through an intuitive, clean and responsive interface that updates instantaneously. Furthermore, administrators can customise the unit state names (e.g. available and 10-4) and have different state names by branch (e.g. Prisoner for police and Patient for ambulance). Unit training qualifications are displayed on their unit cards, from where you can also see how many CADs a unit has attended and create a 'Quick CAD' for them from a generated incident. Controllers can intuitively generate tasks for control desks and effortlessly set up point-to-point communcation channels for individual units when requested. Furthermore, the FMS and the CAD are lightning-fast and smooth, even if in heavy use - they can handle large numbers of simultaneous users with ease (please note heavy usage, e.g. over 80 users in a community patrolling using their FMS at the same time, may require additional server resources at an increased price*).

The Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) is closely linked to the CAD. It allows units to set their status, update incidents and communicate with control. The MDT is available both through the mobile-friendly web app, the Steam overlay browser, and through the free, optional FiveM in-game integration resource - and to make stuff even easier, units can set a GPS marker to the street name of the CAD they're attached to through one simple command. From urgent callbacks to General Observations, your units' experiences is made gloriously intuitive.

The Custody system allows custody staff to view a live custody board and book in prisoners through a realistic, customisable booking-in form. Custody records can be updated with investigation notes and the outcome of the detention in custody, such as Released Under Investigation (RUI).

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Civilian System

The civilian system is one of the most advanced civilian systems available. It features an elaborate civilian call creation process and call stack. Civilians can create calls in advance of any patrol happening to avoid unnecessary delays when patrol starts. They can then send the call to CAD for controllers to deal with at the click of a button. Furthermore, administrators can give civilians unique call instructions and a call approval system is also included, allowing moderators to review calls before they are deployed. Administrators can also pre-define template calls which civilians can automatically generate if they're out of ideas.

The civilian call stack gives civilians an elaborate overview of all planned and ongoing calls. Civilians can mark their calls with divisions and properties (e.g. Fail to Stop) that the call is intended for, which becomes visible on the call stack to ensure an even spread of calls for everyone in patrol. Civilians can also access the active call stack and create new calls through the ingame tablet (FiveM).

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PNC & Intelligence

The Police National Computer (PNC) holds information about persons, vehicles and addresses. This includes a vast amount of intelligence markers, notes, and driving licence information. It also includes an insurance database where officers can add information of interest, such as information about vehicle stops. Civilians can create persons and vehicles and police can run checks on them - including through the use of wildcards where police don't have the full details for a person or vehicle. The intelligence database is highly intuitive and ensures that all markers added have a clear rationale behind them to fully enhance your roleplaying experience. The intelligence database also integrates with the custody, form and crimes* systems.

The person PNC creation system is quick, easy and elaborate. From basic information such as their name and date of birth to an in-depth driving licence system including ghost licences and driving licence vehicle categories - it's all included. Officers can also access PNC through an ingame tablet.

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Human Resources (HR) & Form Portal

The Human Resources (HR) systems provide an overview of everyone who has an account on the FMS. Intuitive rostering, automated server whitelisting controls and member status options are available. Furthermore, the application system allows new users to apply to join the community, with an administrator review, HR review, interview and acceptance or rejection stage. This includes automated TeamSpeak password creation, the ability for supervisors to assign HR members to applications and functionality to record interview transcripts. Applicants receive Discord and optionally SMS notifications to ensure they stay in the loop. The application system has numerous safeguards built in to detect users whose presence is not welcome and includes Discord notifications. Furthermore, the FMS's carefully privacy-protecting design takes into account GDPR design standards - great for everyone's peace of mind. For example, there are integrated, intuitive functionalities for exercising the Right to Access and the Right to Erasure. Additionally, the FMS provides space to embed your rules and policies directly. Google Docs access management can be removed from your HR workflow once you've switched to the FMS!

An elaborate, semi-automated activity checking system is in place through the use of an intuitive Activity Logging system. Official patrols are automatically logged into the activity logging system and members can manually add activity logs for time spent on community-related work outside of patrols, such as development and training sessions. HR and command staff have access to an easy-to-use Activity Monitor, which shows all members not complying with your customisable community activity requirements. These members can then be automatically sent an activity notice at the click of a button.

The comprehensive forms system allows administrators to define their own custom forms with a vast range of elements to choose from. Users with the specified permissions can then fill these in, and the responses can be viewed by users with the appropriate permissions and assigned to specific users for action. The advanced, powerful form response management system allows administrative tasks to be completed through the FMS directly, such as organising a training session. A customisable Discord notification can also be generated when a form is submitted and form responses can be commented on and have their status changed. This is perfect for a wide range of aims, such as organizing training sessions, processing Leave of Absences (LOAs) and opening transfer or promotion opportunities. Forms can also be submitted ingame through the tablet.

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Training System

The FMS allows training team staff to keep track of members’ training qualifications and probationary competencies. These qualifications show up on the CAD and can also grant access to whitelisted scripts during official patrol times. Training qualifications can be set to expire after a certain period if refresher training is not undertaken. Furthermore, line managers and tutors can easily manage and track their probationers' progression and assign members a dedicated tutor.

An extensive training course system comes included with the FMS. This allows training managers to create bespoke training courses. This includes the ability to integrate training documents directly into the FMS, with automated permission management. It also includes the ability to create exam forms and organise practical sessions with trainee cohorts. Plus, documents to guide trainers through training a specific training course can also be integrated. Training managers can designate trainers to specific training courses, ensuring only trainers with the necessary expertise can conduct training sessions for student cohorts.

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Fleet Management System

A comprehensive fleet management system is available, including a vehicle damage and servicing option. Patrol units can be assigned vehicles from the fleet. If a vehicle is crashed during a patrol, you can take the vehicle out of service for repairs and it will be unable to be selected for the specified time period. Furthermore, vehicles will automatically be taken out of service for every set number of patrols to simulate vehicle servicing.

To save you unnecessary headaches, the fleet management system can automatically export itself to JSON to easily configure VehicleSpawnMenu by Albo1125. Furthermore, during patrols, units can spawn their assigned vehicle using a simple command. You can also export and import your fleet easily using CSV files.

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Administration Systems

The FMS includes an event scheduler and can automatically create a patrol event for you with the appropriate settings on every day you wish for it to do so. It can also post a patrol announcement to your Discord server, allowing members to book on simply by reacting to the message. Users can book on patrols depending on the divisional number limits you set and supervisors can assign users callsigns and vehicles for that patrol through a realtime interface, with effortless double-crewing (limitless members per callsign) support. Civilian scores are automatically generated for members to help command make those hard choices.

The FMS is also a big winner in terms of customisation - you can really make it your own! Almost everything on the website is fully customisable by website administrators, including the images & logo, patrol events, branches, ranks, callsigns, vehicles, forms, notice board notices, user groups, permissions and general website and integration settings. Pages including the Home page and HR instruction pages are fully customisable. Full logging is also available. Furthermore, users can freely switch between dark and light themes.

The FMS includes a full disciplinary and investigation system, as well as a driving standards system that directly links with in-game enforcement scripts if desired. These intuitive systems automatically notify you through Discord when it's time to review the status of a disciplinary action or driving suspension. You also have the ability to specify custom EUP uniforms per user (component, drawable and texture IDs) - this allows you to have custom namebadges, epaulettes and more which users can easily spawn through LoadoutScript by Albo1125.

Discord integration with the FMS includes web app notifications and full, automated role syncing. Furthermore, Discord rather than email is used to send communication to all users from the FMS, such as account verification, application updates and form updates. TeamSpeak integration with the FMS includes full tag syncing, automatic TeamSpeak temporary password creation for applicants and automatic moving of units to the respective incident and car channels, as well as toggling your radio channel group. You can forget about spending hours trying to make sure everyone's tags and roles are synced across all your platforms - it's automated.

The FMS also includes an internal email system, allowing you to send messages to individual users or customisable groups directly through the FMS.

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Customer Service

There are many more amazing features waiting to be discovered in the FMS, which has been designed to GDPR data protection standards. I am happy to answer any questions you have if you're interested - please feel free to message me. I can also give you a live demonstration of the FMS before you make any purchase. A fair contract will be signed to ensure we both stick to our obligations. The FMS had an uptime of over 99.999% between October 2020 and May 2024. Furthermore, customer confidentiality is a top priority for me. Once you become an FMS customer, I will offer you a reasonable level of customer service. This includes giving you reasonable information and assistance to let you customise the FMS, looking into broken functionality within a reasonable timeframe and answering your reasonable questions. You won’t be left in the cold if you get stuck or discover a bug. You’ll be up and running before you know it.

Base Pricing

Available Payment Plans

  • 1 month for £40
  • 3 months for £108 (10% discount, equivalent to £36 per month if 3 months are purchased in advance)
  • 6 months for £204 (13.5% discount, equivalent to £34 per month if 6 months are purchased in advance)
  • 12 months for £396 (17% discount, equivalent to £33 per month if 12 months are purchased in advance)
  • 1 month excluding the CAD, MDT, Civilian & PNC features for £30

All new FMS purchases will also incur a one-time initial setup fee of £15. For example, if you are purchasing a new FMS on the 1-month plan, your initial payment will be £55 (40 + 15) and from the second month onwards it will be £40.

These base prices cover your use of the FMS, your webserver costs (you don't have to set this up yourself) and a free domain (you can also use your own custom domain). These base prices include all the standard features as advertised above. If you're interested in purchasing the FMS and would like to obtain a quote for your community or take a free demo, please join my Discord server and open a ticket in #purchase-enquire-demo. T&Cs, community suitability checks & heavy usage fees apply, above prices are not an offer/quote.

I am happy to work with you to develop additional features for the FMS web app. Such work will be quoted for separately. Feature upgrade packs may also be offered to you from time to time for an additional fee.

Currently Available Upgrade Packs

* These features marked with a star require an optional FMS upgrade pack to be purchased - these are all one-time payments. Please enquire in your ticket for details.

    *Crimes Investigation System (£40) - album link -

    *Careers advertising and applications for members (£40), for example for divisional/role leads & applications, these can be managed and customised directly by the appropriate career manager without them having to be given access to all forms - album link

    *Pager system for retained roles (£40) - essentially a system to allow users to temporarily book into a secondary callsign eg if a police officer temporarily goes into the helicopter and then returns to their car - album link -

    *PNC person details auto generator (£20)

    *Compact CAD theme (£30). A reworked, modern, compact CAD theme with 3 columns. The Compact CAD theme aims to make full use of your screen space to show you as much information as possible - click to view. This theme also support further customisation per user, i.e. custom background colours.

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